Hearing Screenings
Speech Therapy Services, P.C. offers free hearing screenings for ages 4 and up at our office at 502 Wheat Avenue Bainbridge, GA. Licensed Speech Language Pathologists are available on site to screen your hearing to determine if your hearing falls within a normal hearing range. Following a failed screening, our certified SLP’s can explain your results and refer you to the appropriate specialists for further testing. Please call 229-246-4088 for an appointment for your free hearing screening today!
Aural Rehabilitation
The definition of Aural rehabilitation is the process of identifying and diagnosing a hearing loss, providing different types of therapies to clients who are hard of hearing, and implementing different amplification devices to aid the client’s hearing abilities.
The goal of aural habilitation or rehabilitation is overcoming the difficulty caused by a hearing impairment or deafness. The Speech Language Pathologist’s role in aural rehabilitation is to help improve the communication skills of individuals with hearing loss who have cochlear implants or hearing aids. The SLP evaluates the patient’s receptive and expressive communication skills and develops a treatment plan. The treatment plan may include speech perception training, speech and voice production, training in communication strategies, comprehension of oral, written and sign language as appropriate. For more information about aural rehabilitation visit: https://www.asha.org/public/hearing/treatment/child_aur_rehab.htm